Fathers Day
Make this Fathers Day gift count. A gift pack filled hearty, whole, Savoury, Sweeet and a fizzy drink to finish off.
Raw dehydrated crackers are made with sprouted buckwheat, herbs and spices, then dehydrated for long hours to give a crunchy finish without need to bake, hence retaining all the nutrition properties of the raw ingredients.
For the fermented CheeZe, cashews go through a 48 hour culturing process. Nature itself takes car of this process, during which the nuts are completely transformed to become light and fluffy with a deep tangy flavour packed with the good microbes essential to gut health. Next comes seasoning and flavouring and a further maturing period, to ensure a high quality end product.
Our Pepato is a minor, pleasant detour to raw cheezes. It is a cooked product, made with cashews and home-made coconut cream, all held together by agar. Miso adds a whole new dimension of flavour, while the freshly cracked black pepper compliments the taste and palate.
How can you resist? since being launched, the Rocher Dream have immediately occupied a place among the top sellers on our website. A roasted hazelnut heart with a dense chocolate coat encrusted with chopped hazelnuts. These come with a severe addiction warning, beware.
Finally, after developing our own organic ginger bug, Ginger Beer, was an obvious venture. Fizzy, tasty, refreshing and full of probiotic, what a better beverage for battling the Summer heat?
Intrigued? make this Fathers Day different, give a gift to nourish heart, mind and soul . We will deliver right to your doorstep, link to our website josdelights.com We will take care of the rest!